Only complete the Form below if you haven't done so already.

If you have already submitted the Referee Request Form, Kindly find it saved in My Account, under Registrations Section.


QLC aims to provide the best of quality service to our clients at competitive rates.

We intend to achieve this through regular discussions with your establishment after an initial visit to meet the people you care for.

These visits will help us identify , understand needs and choose staff that are tailored to match your requirements.

Our regular follow up discussions will be for ensuring that you are getting the best of our services. The discussions will as well inform us of any updates of changes that will require staff allocations matching the new requirements of the people you care for.

For all your staff requirements please call us on 0121 551 2072 or send an email to

Password must be at least 7 characters long.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.

(Quality Living care Limited cannot guarantee that the information you provide to us will be held in confidence. Even if the reference is marked as ‘confidential’ the applicant has the right to ask to see the reference under Data Protection act 1998)

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Please select as appropriate
Please select as appropriate
Please select as appropriate
Please select as appropriate